
So Long 2022! What’s in Store for 2023?

Posted in: Safety,Worker's Compensation Board,Workplace,Workplace Wellness | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on December 22, 2022

For many it’s good-bye and good riddance with the promise of a better year to come. For others, especially employers, this will continue to be unprecedented times as the world, and the economy, finds its new equilibrium. Rising inflation, interest rates and production costs combined with managing a workforce, whether it is new hires, returning workers, remote working, hybrid work setups or health and safety modifications, the challenges facing employers are significant. So as we head into 2023, here are three major things to consider:  WCB Premiums. Workers compensation boards across the county have recently issued their premium rate statements. The impact that the pandemic has had on operations over the past couple of years could affect how a business should be classified. A careful review of your premium calculations could uncover hidden savings Not sure what to look for, here are 10 things to check on your premium rate […]

How Hybrid Work Can Combat Flu – What COVID Has Taught Us

Posted in: Workplace,Workplace Wellness | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on November 29, 2022

There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our world permanently and in ways we could not have even imagined. It has changed the way we interact, the way we work, the way we play, the way we live. It has forced us to think outside the box and to be creative in our approach to many things we once considered routine. As we move from the pandemic to endemic stage and life begins to normalize to a world where we learn to live with COVID, we shouldn’t lose sight of the positives that have evolved during this period – and yes there are positives; every dark cloud has a silver lining. So how can we take what we have learned from COVID and use it to our advantage?  In an attempt to remain solvent following the March 2020 lockdown, many organizations scrambled to figure how their employees […]

Winter’s Coming, Are You Ready?

Posted in: Accident Prevention,Safety | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on October 27, 2022

It’s been a great run of fabulous fall weather but don’t fool yourself, winter and all that comes with it is on its way. Daylight hours are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, snow will start flying and soon clocks will be turning back to standard time. Winter has its own unique set of hazards and safety concerns; however, with a proactive approach, costs associated with WCB claims, time loss and reduced productivity due to illness or injury may be avoided.  Whether your staff works indoors or outdoors, commutes to work or uses a vehicle as part of their duties, here are some helpful hints and reminders that could help mitigate the inherent risks of winter that face your organization: Dress Appropriately: There are going to be warm, possibly even hot, days and there are going to be cold and frosty days. Unfortunately, the temperature does not drop consistently so watching […]

Is a WCB Claim Ever Officially Closed?

Posted in: Claims Costs,Workplace | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on September 27, 2022

Your employee has been injured at work, they’ve received treatment, they’ve recovered, they’ve successfully returned to work and the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) has inactivated their claim but is that claim really closed? Once a worker has recovered from an injury and has returned to their full duties or has reached a medical plateau and is working at their maximum potential, the WCB Alberta sends a letter to the injured worker and their employer outlining what injuries were accepted, the treatment or services provided and the return to work details. The letter also advises that the claim will now be considered inactive. But what happens if a worker develops problems related to their work-related injury after their claim has been inactivated? Unlike private insurance claims, where there are defined time limits in which you can claim benefits, the WCB will always review any new information that is submitted. It does […]

First Aid in the Workplace

Posted in: Accident Prevention,Safety,Workplace | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on August 4, 2022

First Aid. That’s what it’s called because that’s what it is, the First response to an injury or accident to provide Aid.  Accidents aren’t orchestrated, they are opportunistic, unexpected, unplanned events with no way to fully anticipate where and when they will occur. The initial actions taken immediately following an incident are often the most critical in terms of reducing or addressing the severity of an injury or even preventing death.  If the first person that responds to a situation has basic first aid training it can improve the odds of a best scenario outcome. It’s why ensuring that every employee has basic first aid training and is able to respond to any injury, accident or emergency that occurs. It is why first aid is the foundation of an effective health and safety management program (HSMP).   Although workplace safety regulations and standards for first aid vary by province or territory […]
