


Leveraging WCB Resources: Empowering Employers for Enhanced Workplace Safety

Posted in: Worker's Compensation Board,Workplace,Workplace Wellness | Posted by braveadmin on April 26, 2024

Across Canada, employers have a valuable ally in their quest for workplace safety: their provincial and territorial workers’ compensation board (WCB). Beyond its role in administering compensation claims, provincial WCBs offer a wealth of resources aimed at fostering a culture of safety and minimizing workplace incidents. From informative workshops to practical online tools, the WCB equips employers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate safety requirements effectively while mitigating claims costs.  For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on the Alberta WCB but many of the resources and services are offered by workers’ compensation boards across Canada. You can find links to their websites below. Workshops and Seminars: Engaging with WCB workshops and seminars is akin to attending masterclasses in workplace safety. These sessions are tailored to address specific industry challenges, providing invaluable insights into risk assessment, hazard mitigation, and regulatory compliance. Covering topics on everything […]

The Strategic Role of Employer Participation in WCB Sponsored Programs

Posted in: WCB Premium Reduction,Worker's Compensation Board,Workplace Wellness | Posted by braveadmin on December 20, 2023

It’s Not Too Late! Register in WCB Alberta’s Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) by December 31, 2023 and still be eligible for PIR discounts for 2023 and 2024 In an effort to encourage employers to actively engage in creating safer work environments, Workers’ Compensation Boards (WCBs) often offer programs aimed at reducing occupational injuries and promoting workplace safety. Taking advantage of these programs can be a proactive approach to managing or reducing WCB premiums. Programs may differ in other provinces and jurisdictions but in Alberta, there are three notable initiatives: Partnerships In Injury Reduction (PIR), Certificate of Recognition (COR), and Occupational Injury Service (OIS).  Partnerships In Injury Reduction (PIR): PIR is a collaborative initiative between employers, workers, and the WCB. The program encourages the development and implementation of effective health and safety management systems. Employers involved in PIR commit to continuous improvement, employee training, and the establishment of a safety […]

The Crucial Link Between Reporting Payroll Information and WCB Premiums

Posted in: WCB Premium Reduction,Worker's Compensation Board | Posted by braveadmin on November 23, 2023

The Crucial Link Between Reporting Payroll Information and WCB Premiums When it comes to running a business, one of the most critical tasks is reporting payroll information accurately and on time. Workers’ compensation boards across Canada require employers to report their payroll information annually. The information is used to calculate their WCB premiums. Here’s why it’s important and how it can impact your WCB premiums. WCB Compliance: First and foremost, reporting payroll information is a WCB obligation. Failing to do so or failing to report payroll information accurately can result in penalties, fines, and WCB premium reassessments for your organization.  Fair Premium Assessment: WCB premiums are calculated based on your reported payroll information. Accurate reporting ensures that you pay the right amount of premiums. Underreporting payroll can lead to lower premiums, but situations like a workplace accident could trigger an audit that may result in reassessment and financial penalties. On […]

Understanding the Significance of Physical Demands Analysis

Posted in: Accident Prevention,Safety,Worker's Compensation Board,Workplace Wellness | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on May 30, 2023

In today’s post-pandemic, fast-paced and ever changing world, ensuring the health, safety, and productivity of employees is becoming increasingly more important and challenging for organizations across all industries. Employers need to focus their time and resources on what is within their control rather than what is not. An effective health and safety management program is one that embraces prevention, preparedness and planning in an effort to avoid or address incidents, accidents and injuries. A key component of any health and safety management program is a current and accurate Physical Demands Analysis (PDA) of all positions in the organization. Physical Demands Analysis Defined: Physical Demands Analysis is a systematic approach used to evaluate the physical requirements of job tasks. By analyzing the demands placed on employees, organizations can identify potential risks, design appropriate interventions, improve overall workplace ergonomics and facilitate return to work options for injured or ill workers.  A PDA […]

Today There Will Be Three…

Posted in: Mental Health,Worker's Compensation Board,Workplace | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on April 25, 2023

April 28th marks the National Day of Mourning in Canada. A day to remember and honor workers who have lost their lives or suffered injuries on the job. This day is an important reminder of the ongoing need to prioritize workplace safety and prevent future tragedies. According to the latest statistics from the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), in 2020, there were 925 workplace fatalities in Canada, which is a slight decrease from the 1,027 reported in 2019. However, this still represents almost 3 lives every day of the year, which is significant and highlights the need for continued efforts to improve workplace safety. In Alberta, the numbers are also concerning. According to the latest data from the Government of Alberta, there were 144 workplace fatalities in the province in 2020, up from 125 in 2019. This represents a 15% increase and underscores the need for more […]
