



How Current WCB Claims Management can control costs

Posted in: Safety,WCB Premium Reduction | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on June 8, 2015

Although your WCB Industry Classification is the foundation on which WCB premiums are established, the most effective way of keeping WCB costs down is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. To be accident/claim free ensures that you will pay the lowest possible premiums based on your classification, however this is not always an achievable or realistic goal regardless of how many precautions you take. Accidents happen, that’s why they are called accidents but even a reduction in the number of claims, the length of a claim and/or the severity of an injury can have a positive impact on WCB premiums. That is why it is critical to be proactive with an injury or accident and manage a claim closely from the onset. In short, WCB claims management is key to controlling WCB costs.

As the Alberta economy takes a hit virtually every employer is affected, cost cutting measures are implemented in an effort to stay operational. This often results in employees moving into new positions, taking on new responsibilities and increased workloads without being provided the requisite training or education to perform their new duties effectively and safely. It is situations like this where the risk of workplace accidents and injuries increase thus making review of health and safety practices and procedures imperative. Here is more on the subject.

What to do when an accident happens

Despite taking all precautions and making all efforts to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace, injuries will and do happen and they do not discriminate. The data entry clerk whose workload has increased putting a greater demand on their keyboarding skills is at just as much risk as the oil rig worker trying to shut down operations. The nurse taking on a greater caseload due to staffing shortages is as much at risk as the mechanic putting in more overtime. So when that unexpected and unforeseen accident or injury does happen there are steps that can be taken from the outset that can help keep costs down. Claim management is a crucial part of addressing a workplace injury and returning an injured employee back to their job as quickly and safely as possible.

Getting proper medical attention and assessment immediately, reporting the injury to the WCB, communicating with the injured worker, the WCB and health care providers throughout the claim, providing suitable modified duties – including reduced work hours, gradual return to work options, retraining and work-from-home options – can all contribute to a positive and quick resolution of most WCB claims. Claims management is an ongoing process from the moment an injury occurs until a claim is inactivated. Paying attention to and understanding details regarding a worker’s fitness for work, the need for referrals to specialists or community services, additional training or retraining is what keeps a claim on track and helps avoid unnecessary delays and setbacks that can impede a worker’s return to productive and meaningful work.

How BCL can help

Claims management can be time consuming and time sensitive requiring an in depth knowledge of WCB policies and procedures but the potential savings in WCB costs can be financially significant. BCL’s Current Claims Management Team has the expertise and experience to provide effective and essential claims management for immediate control over Workers’ Compensation costs. We can handle your claims from the date of accident or your claims already in progress through our Current Claims Management Program.

To find out more you can contact us directly using our chat feature during business hours, at [email protected], by phone, at 1-844-377-9545 or you can connect with us on FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.

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