



How Occupational Injury Service (OIS) Can Reduce Your Claims Costs

Posted in: Accident Prevention,Claims Costs,Safety,WCB Premium Reduction,Workplace | Posted by Rebecca Ingram on February 2, 2021

Do you have an employee that’s been hurt in a work-related incident? Are you looking to get an injured worker back on the job as quickly and safely as possible? Do you want to minimize costs associated with work-related claims? Consider using the WCB Alberta’s Occupational Injury Service (OIS).

The OIS was specifically developed for anyone who was hurt at work. It gives injured workers quick access to medical services at specialized clinics throughout the province of Alberta while helping employers to manage claims, facilitate a successful return to work plans, and contain claims costs.

Some of the benefits of OIS are:

  • Quick access to physicians trained in dealing with work-related injuries that are familiar with the WCB-Alberta process – usually within 30 minutes
  • Completion and submission of reports to the WCB – often the same day
  • Expedited diagnostic and treatment services like MRI’s, ultrasounds, physiotherapy and specialist referrals
  • Development of safe and effective return to work plans
  • Interdisciplinary communication between assessment and treatment services
  • Retention of skilled, productive and valued workers
  • Continued support during and after the implementation of a return to work plan

A proactive and expeditious approach to medical treatment and return to work services has proven to minimize the length of claims and associated costs—the OIS was designed to promote and support this concept.

All fees associated with OIS services are charged directly to an injured worker’s claim. Although the initial visit to an OIS clinic may be more expensive (currently $291.37) than a regular doctor visit, the medical expertise with work-related injuries that are provided at the inception of a claim has consistently resulted in lowering overall claims costs.

The fee for the initial visit also includes:

  • Return-to-Work reporting to indicate how long a worker may be disabled
  • Fitness-for-Work status to help identify the level of modified work they are able to perform and when
  • Planning discussions with the physician and injured worker regarding return-to-work options

This provides employers with valuable and timely information to assist injured workers in returning to their pre-accident employment and status as safely and quickly as possible.

There are two key components necessary for employers to take advantage of all the benefits of the OIS program:

  1. Employers must be registered with OIS prior to a work-related accident in order for an injured worker to access the service. Signing up is voluntary and there are no up front costs. If you don’t use the service, you don’t pay anything. 
  2. Workers must attend a recognized OIS clinic for their first medical treatment following an accident, unless the injury requires an emergency room visit. Therefore, it is important that all workers understand what to do and where to go in the event of a work-related accident.

For more information about the OIS and how it can benefit your organization, WCB Alberta has a wide range of resources to further explain, support, and educate you and your staff on the OIS program and easy access to a complete list of OIS clinics and services for quick reference.

As always, we are available to answer any of your questions or concerns to the best of our ability. You can connect with us on Facebook , Twitter , or LinkedIn or contact us directly, during business hours, through our chat feature or by phone at 1-844-377-9545, you can always reach us by email at [email protected].

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